Check out my Irregular Past Tense Spelling Game ! I made it because I had always missed something from the ones I found on the net, mainly the amount of words they make you practice. So I decided to make one myself :) You can practise 60 irregular past tense verbs with it. There are 5x12 verbs, each goup is set in a short story. There are 3 or 4 tasks for each group of verbs (16 tasks altogether. Here's how it goes: You must find the present equivalent of the verb in the given sentence. If your answer is right, the verb will disappear. The same, only a bit more difficult: the verb will not disappear, you will only hear a sound if the answer is right You must complete the sentences with the proper past tense verb I have already tested it on some of my students, it seemed to be effective :) Come on, TRY it!
Monty Python : nutty, zany, crazy! It was 40 years ago today that the first episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus appeared on the BBC. The show ran for four seasons, cranking out 45 episodes and unleashing their zany, crazy sense of humor on the world. The group's influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles' influence on music. Here's one of their most famous sketches: Ministry of Silly Walks You can watch it, read it, learn it, perform it if you like. You can find the script of the sketch here . A few other unforgettable sketches are “ Nudge, Nudge ,” “ Spam ,” “ The Lumberjack Song ,” or “ Dead Parrot “.